Project Management
Having years of experience managing software and hardware implementation projects, Lane Services is in a unique position to assist associations and not-for-profits to successfully manage implementation & upgrade projects, as well as relationships with outside vendors. Whether it be creating an API to a new cloud product, a RiSE web site development project, transitioning to a new server, or moving to the cloud, Lane Services can help.
iMIS Support
Lane Services is an Authorized iMIS Solution Provider. We will be there to help, either on-site or by teleconference. We are also experts with Intelligent Query Architect, iMIS ReportWriter, and Process Automation.
Application Support
The Lane Services team stands ready to design Web or back-office applications using the latest technology. In addition to our own applications, we have extensive experience implementing and supporting REST-based applications including our professional referral, WealthEngine & DonorSearch API’s.
Fundraising and Accounting Support
We have extensive expertise in the fundraising arena and understand the needs of foundations, religious organizations, community groups and other 501(c)3’s. We are actively involved with the Association of Fundraising Professionals and support large philanthropic organizations such as Salesian Missions. We have assisted the Catholic Diocese of Arlington revamp their Catholic Charities Appeal and Disabled American Veterans set-up a major gift/moves management program. We also understand the special accounting-related requirements of this sector and may assist you in setting up your funds, campaigns and appeals in compliance with IRS, GAAP and FAS guidelines. Internationally, we work with Pantanassa Monastery of Australia, Australian College of Nursing & Imperial Health Charity of the UK to support their fundraising efforts.