Are you a professional association that refers members to the public
who may be interested in the services they offer? The Lane Services
Professional Referral solution for iMIS EMS is your answer!
Professional Referral gives you several important tools that enable
you to generate and manage professional referral requests.
–You can narrow your selection criteria of professionals with
preferences like location or gender.
–You can view only relevant provider candidates based on the
criteria you enter, and who is currently subscribed to the service.
The candidates with the fewest referrals will be displayed at the top
of the list.
–You can select candidates returned by your search and dynamically
view their complete record of information including name, address,
office location, specialties, and insurance.
–When you select candidates for referral, you can then enter contact
information about the client requesting the service. This information
is available for generating reports for your providers which detail
the referral requests received and fulfilled.
–Professional Referrals works with the Customer Management and
Billing modules to coordinate subscriptions with the referral service
and to determine current eligibility for participation.
–Specifying your search criteria lets you customize the referral for
your client’s needs. You can specify up to four additional customer
fields to serve as search criteria.
–A zip/postal code option lets iMIS preferentially locate an area
based on the client’s location. iMIS can search for a specific code,
contacts within a county, all codes beginning with a set of three
digits, or no zip code restriction.
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